[ih] WEBCAST TONIGHT: Workshop: Internet History for CS Teachers
Joly MacFie
2017-12-05 01:24:36 UTC
Tonight I will be streaming video of ISOC-NY's Internet History Workshop.
This is well over an hour of video which I somehow have to whittle down to
3 mins in order to submit it by the Chapterthon 2017 deadline which is


It's two sessions. In the first we were blessed by an extended soliloquy
from Dave Farber, followed​ by some vigorous Q&A. In the second Reuben
Loewy gave a brief outline of his *Internet History curriculum ideas*
before those present split into groups to come up with their own.
[image: postel + crocker + cerf]
On *Saturday Nov 25 2017*, at *10am* the *Internet Society New York
Chapter <http://isoc-ny.org/>* (ISOC-NY), with the support of the *CSNYC+CSTA
Internet History for CS Teachers
<https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/245159453/>*. In CS education
there is currently a lot of emphasis on coding. Our aim is to, via Internet
History, promote a wider understanding of open network infrastructure, its
past, its values, and its future. This workshop will be conducted by *Reuben
Loewy*, developer of the the '*Living Online
<http://www.livingonlinelab.org/curriculum-overview9-12grade/>*' Internet
Studies curriculum in Princeton NJ. Special guest keynote speaker will be
Internet Hall of Fame Pioneer inductee *Prof. David J. Farber*
<https://www.internethalloffame.org/inductees/dave-farber>. Video from
the workshop will be ISOC-NY's contribution to the global *Internet
Society Digital Schools Chapterthon 2017
Lunch will be provided.
*What: Workshop: Internet History for CS Teachers
<https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/245159453/>Where: Courant Institute,
Warren Weaver Hall NYU, 250 Mercer ST, NYC
Saturday Nov 25 2017, 10am-2pmRegister at
either: https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/245159453/
<https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/245159453/> (ISOC-NY)or: https://www.meetup.com/CSNYC-CSTA-NYC/events/245257534/
<https://www.meetup.com/CSNYC-CSTA-NYC/events/245257534/> (CSTA+CSNYC)*
Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9632#respond> See all comments
Joly MacFie
President - Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY)
http://isoc-ny.org 218 565 9365