[ih] Looking for F. Yates and P. Baran paper
John Kristoff
2017-05-15 22:05:35 UTC
In Paul Baran's paper entitled "Reliable Digital Communications Systems
Using Unreliable Network Repeater Nodes", published May 27, 1960 as
P-1995 by RAND, he refers to two other papers. One in particular is
co-authored by Frank Yates and Paul Baran entitled "A Non Synchronous
Digital Data Link Transmission System Using Randomly Surviving Relay
I don't seem able to locate a copy of it and I'm interested in reading
it. Does anyone know if it is available online or how I might obtain a
copy if possible? Thank you,
A month ago, a colleague Ryan Moss asked if I had ever found the
seemingly lost RAND Report P-1996. When I indicated I followed the
trail a bit further. Posted here with permission, for which I'm

I've still had no luck finding Baran's P-1996 report, but I did come
across an interesting footnote in a 1995 paper written by Judy O'Neill
in the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, "The Role of ARPA in the
Development of the ARPANET, 1961-1972". It reads: /There has been some
confusion as to the status of these reports/ [P-1995 thru -1997?]/.
[Lawrence] Roberts reported that they were classified and not generally
available... However, most were not classified and they seem to have
been somewhat available as Davies was given a copy when he was
circulating his reports in 1965, Walden says BBN used Baran as a
starting point for their network discussions, and Baran notes that all
government depositories had a copy of all RAND reports./

I did call RAND's Publications Customer Service a few weeks ago and gave
them both the report number and title, but they said they didn't have a
record of it.

In the hopes this is of any particular interest to current or future
Internet archaeologists.

